The driving force behind the xeomin market comprises an array of leading companies such as Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH. These key industry players are perpetually working to advance the field ...
Although 5 of the botulinum toxin serotypes are potentially active in human tissue, only types A and B are approved by the FDA for therapeutic injection. There are 4 commercially available ...
A long-time CDU party rival of centrist ex-chancellor Angela Merkel, Merz has attacked her open-door migrant policy and drawn her ire for accepting support from the far-right AfD on the flashpoint ...
Chancellor Olaf Scholz, from the left-leaning Social Democrats, and his main rival, the conservative Christian Democrat Friedrich Merz, have presented competing visions for Germany's future.
Friedrich Merz, the 69-year-old veteran German politician with a hardline stance on migration and a love of aviation, is the favorite to become the country’s next chancellor in the federal ...
Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday clashed with opposition leader Friedrich Merz in a heated debate, accusing him of accepting favours from the far-right AfD party. Merz’s conservative ...
Viewers surveyed on Sunday thought that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) narrowly won the TV debate against his rival Friedrich Merz from the conservative CDU. In a survey conducted by the ...
CDU-Kanzlerkandidat Friedrich Merz schwärmt nicht nur für die Politik, sondern auch für seine Familie. Auf ebenjene wirft einen Blick. Seine Abiturnote mag Friedrich Merz (69 ...
Im Streit um die Migrationspolitik hat SPD-Chefin Saskia Esken dem Unionskanzlerkandidaten Friedrich Merz (CDU) einen "Erpressungsversuch" vorgeworfen. Nach der Messerattacke von Aschaffenburg ...
Merz zieht einen Vergleich zu Wladimir Putin: "Wenn ihr auf dem Schulhof einen Rowdy habt, der an jeder Ecke eine Schlägerei anfängt, dem muss man irgendwann mal Einhalt gebieten." Quelle: ntv ...
Mr Merz insists that Germany has no choice but to change. “The business model of this country is gone,” he states bluntly. His response begins with a war on red tape. “We have to do serious ...