The mayor will contribute his own money to tear down a home that erupted in flames in January, to a mixed response from the council.
After denying funding for the TRIO program’s college tour in January, the Prairie State College board has now permitted the ...
Thornton Township once again tabled several budget items last week as it works to get clarity on township finances. The board has been operating without budgets for over eight months but is ...
Thornton Township services are set to resume after the board unanimously approved bills for vendors and insurance Tuesday. It lapsed last month, forcing the township to scale back critical services ...
At a special meeting, the library board met to discuss hiring administrators and converting two temporary workers to ...
The signs will be located around Thornton, Thornwood, and Thornridge High Schools in high-traffic areas, showing real-time ...
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The Organized Crime and Hostage Barricade teams made arrests at a home on 150th St. and Lincoln Ave. on Wednesday.