For the first time ever the Australian Christians  political party has won a seat in the WA election. Maryka Groenewald,the WA State Director of the party has won a seat in the state’s 37 member upper ...
The Anglican Archdiocese of Melbourne (ADOM) has been alleged to have amended its Code of Conduct for Child Safety & Wellbeing in a manner which forces church workers to obey Victoria’s Change or ...
When Mark Leach, then the senior minister of Rozelle Anglican Church in inner Sydney, heard of a pro-Palestinian ...
God seems to be having a moment, culturally speaking,” observes John Stonestreet of the Colson Center, whose founder, the ...
Un-expectedly in Melbourne, caring for a sibling who was rushed to hospital, Sunday morning saw me at St Paul’s Cathedral, challenged to take lent – the season of reflection and repentance leading up ...
The gender pay gap for 7800 Australian businesses have been released, including details of how some Christian organisations ...
Written up: Historian Simon Schama packed the Adelaide Town Hall for the big event in Writers Week, – a new experience for Obadiah. Despite being lobbied not to come, he defied fellow Zionists to come ...
US film actor Matthew McConaughey (he of the slow slow and oh-so-easy-to-mimic voice), is a Professor of Practice at the ...
Gavin Brown, Australian Catholic University via the Conversation Most people recognise organisations such as the YMCA and the ...