Alex Leonidas, aka AlphaDestiny, just won 2nd place at Open
May 4, 2023 · Alex Leonidas, aka AlphaDestiny, just won 2nd place at Open Classic Physique. This is his first ever show. He is a TRUE lifetime natty with years of YouTube content detailing his progress. For those who think they can't get anywhere without drugs, THIS is what natural lifters are truly capable of.
Have you guys tried Alex Leonidas' program? : r/workout - Reddit
Nov 22, 2023 · alex knows his stuff. it's like a recipe, the amount to which you should modify it corresponds to whether you know how to cook and how willing you are to take responsibility for your own results (aka are you able to progress on your important lifts week to week)
2x/week Full body program I wrote for when life happens.. - Reddit
Dec 3, 2023 · Hey, I wrote a program consisting of 2 full body workouts that has elements of the ATG philosophy, some of Dr. Mike Israetel's teachings about exercise selection and Alex Leonidas's Naturally Enhanced program format of a day dedicated to Intensity training and another for Volume.
Alex Leonidas and Sean Nalewanyj. What's the verdict?
Aug 10, 2023 · First guy (alex leonidas) has been documenting his physique and training for the last 10 years. There is no point where he gained a suspicious amount of strength or muscle in a short time frame. In my opinion he is peak natty.
What's the general opinion for Alpha destiny novice program
Mar 1, 2023 · Late to the party but ran this when starting at 21, I was a beefy ass dude at 185 lbs 5'9 305 Bench Press,315 Squat,410 deadlift.
Minimalist Training Will FAIL You! - Alex Leonidas : r/weightroom
Dec 4, 2022 · I have a hard time with Alex's videos since he stopped training in a gym. His perspective seems to always be skewed because he's limited to movements that work with both his available equipment and his constant focus on calisthenics, so he goes through these periods of "discovery" that would be wildly unnecessary if he just... trained like most normal people, or …
Why people think leonidas is natty but not nippard?
The reason I believe Alex is natty is because his physique and strength progress is meticulously tracked on his channel and is totally indicative of natural progression. At no point can you find a sudden surge in his progress. Also, Alex regularly does enormous bulks to …
Has anyone tried AlphaDestiny's Naturally Enhanced program?
NE will require the research to be effective, but the info in it is very very good. Granted you could find the same info online for free, but Alex (AlphaDestiny) have already done the work by reading articles and separating the bullshit from the solid advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will do my best to answer them.
Whats wrong with 4 sets? : r/naturalbodybuilding - Reddit
Alex Leonidas has built an impressive physique but that doesn't mean every single thing that comes out of his mouth is gold. Appeal to authority fallacy is rampant in bodybuilding. You can do things suboptimally and still make gains. So Alex Leonidas could very well be wrong about this one thing even though he built an impressive physique.
the last natty standing? alex leonidas : r/nattyorjuice - Reddit
Jan 2, 2024 · A place away from r/bodybuilding and r/steroids to discuss whether the people you post are, or have been, on some sort of juicy substance or not.