GCA Nederland – GCA Transport Nederland
We specialize in the transport and logistics of liquid petrochemicals, gas and liquid food products across Europe. Being located in the midst of the large ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp, gives us a unique geographic position to service your requirements.
Chauffeur – GCA Nederland
Kom werken bij GCA Transport B.V. Vanuit ons kantoor in Moerdijk, vlakbij de havens van Rotterdam en Antwerpen, bieden wij toptransport van chemische vloeistoffen en gassen in heel Europa. Wat bieden wij jou? – Een goed arbeidsvoorwaardenpakket conform de cao Beroepsgoederenvervoer.
Werken bij GCA Nederland – GCA Nederland
GCA Nederland maakt deel uit van één van de meest vooraanstaande Europese logistieke familiebedrijven. Werken in een hecht en dynamisch team? Je bent van harte welkom bij GCA Nederland, waar je je snel thuis zult voelen.
Environment – GCA Nederland
Under the guidance of the GCA holding, GCA Netherlands takes part in the Responsible Care program initiated by the European Chemical Transport Association (ECTA). Each year improvement targets are set and closely monitored to improve our environmental performance and to reduce our carbon footprint.
GCA Tankmasters BV - GCA Nederland
GCA Nederland’s experienced personnel is able to take care of the repair and maintenance of your tank containers or IBC’s. We also rent a wide specification of ISO tank containers at competitive rates.
Quality - GCA Nederland
GCA Netherlands also holds the SQAS certification for both its transport and cleaning departments. This prescribed set of industry wide procedures ensure that safe practise and risk management is fully complied with and managed in the supply chains served.
Multimodal transport – GCA Nederland
GCA offers fully integrated intermodal transport solutions (rail/road/barge) for liquid chemical and gas products throughout Europe. Through own resources and a network of established long term partners GCA has created an European network coverage to provide for safe, reliable, environmental friendly and competitive solutions .
On Site Services - GCA Nederland
If you need a helping hand for your local logisticsm GCA offers all-round terminal employees to get the job done. With many years of work experience you can count on our committed employees who have the skills and knowledge to support you at your site.
GCA Transport BV - GCA Nederland
Our focus is on the transport of bulk gasses and bulk liquids of both ADR and non-ADR products for various industries like chemicals, petrochemicals, oil and gas, waste. For these activities we provide the complete solution from order handling to delivery.
Safety - GCA Nederland
GCA’s main concern is safeguarding the safety of our people and those around us. GCA only entrusts orders to people who have been duly trained and are familiar with the product to be transported. Our main commitments to safety are: