Name and logo - INTERPOL
Our name, emblem, logo and flag define the identity of INTERPOL and are legally protected. Our full name is “The International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL”, which is abbreviated to "ICPO–INTERPOL". For general communications purposes, we just say INTERPOL.
Interpol - Wikipedia
Interpol provides investigative support, expertise and training to law enforcement worldwide, focusing on three major areas of transnational crime: terrorism, cybercrime and organized crime.
INTERPOL | The International Criminal Police Organization
We have 196 member countries who work together through INTERPOL to share data related to police investigations. We manage 19 police databases with information on crimes and …
INTERPOL Washington | INTERPOL Washington - United States …
Jul 19, 2024 · INTERPOL Washington—the U.S. National Central Bureau (USNCB)--investigative work played a key role in locating one of Canada’s ten most wanted persons. On December 16, 2016 a Canadian jury convicted John Boulachanis, 42, of first degree murder.
Интерпол — Википедия
Интерпол — первая в мире международная межправительственная организация по количеству стран-членов, превышающая число членов ООН (193). 77-я сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Интерпола состоялась в России в Санкт-Петербурге 7-10 октября 2008 года.
3x4 inch OIPC ICPO Interpol Seal Sticker - Decal Criminal Police ...
May 12, 2019 · Buy 3x4 inch OIPC ICPO Interpol Seal Sticker - Decal Criminal Police oipcicpo Logo Vinyl Decal Sticker Car Waterproof Car Decal Bumper Sticker: Decals - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
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Interpol – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Interpol (ang. International Criminal Police Organization) – międzynarodowa organizacja policji pomagająca organom ścigania w walce z wszelkimi formami przestępczości. Działa w 195 krajach (stan na grudzień 2021). Kieruje się czterema podstawowymi funkcjami, które zapewniają zaawansowaną technologicznie infrastrukturę wsparcia ...
International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)
The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) serves as a vital component in the global effort to combat crime and enhance security. Its definition, symbolic flag, and extensive membership reflect a commitment to international police cooperation and the rule of law.
INTERPOL and the European Union
INTERPOL and the European Union work together closely on matters of joint interest, sharing their resources and expertise. INTERPOL is a key partner for the EU in the field of external security, irregular migration, counter-terrorism and organized crime.
What is Interpol and How It Works? | Legal's Answers
Interpol is an independent multinational police agency based in Lyon, France. In essence, the Independent Authority establishes a framework for law enforcement authorities in member countries to collaborate. Interpol currently prioritizes three major projects to combat crime: organized and emergent crime, counter-terrorism, and cybercrime.