The Island (2006 film) - Wikipedia
The Island (Russian: Остров, romanized: Ostrov) is a 2006 Russian comedy-drama film directed by Pavel Lungin and written by Dmitry Sobolev. The film stars Pyotr Mamonov as a fictional 20th-century Eastern Orthodox monk. Filming took place in the city of Kem, in Karelia, on the shores of the White Sea. [1]
The Island (2006) - IMDb
Somewhere in Northern Russia in a small Russian Orthodox monastery lives an unusual man whose bizarre conduct confuses his fellow monks, while others who visit the island believe that the man has the power to heal, exorcise demons and foretell the future.
The Island (Russian movie with English subtitles) - YouTube
"The Island" is a 2006 Russian biographical film about a 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk. Pyotr Mamonov, who plays the lead character, formerly a rock mus...
Island – Wikipedie
Island (islandsky Ísland) je severský ostrovní stát na stejnojmenném ostrově mezi Severním Atlantikem a Severním ledovým oceánem, na středoatlantickém hřbetu mezi Evropou a Severní Amerikou.
The Island 2006 (Russian Christian Movie) - Archive.org
Ostrov (Russian: Остров, The Island) is a 2006 Russian film about a fictional 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk. The film closed the 2006 Venice Film Festival, proved to be a moderate box-office success and won both the Nika Award and the Golden Eagle Award as the Best Russian film of 2006.
Watch The Island | Prime Video - amazon.com
The Island Somewhere in Northern Russia in a small Russian Orthodox monastery lives an unusual man whose bizarre conduct confuses his fellow monks, while others who visit the island believe that the man has the power to heal, exorcise demons and foretell the future.
Island – Wikipédia
Island (islandsky: Ísland) je severská ostrovná krajina medzi Severným Atlantikom a Severným ľadovým oceánom, na stredoatlantickom hrebeni medzi Severnou Amerikou a Európou. Je kultúrne a politicky prepojený s Európou a je najredšie osídlenou krajinou v regióne. [1]
Geografie Islandu – Wikipedie
Island je ostrovní stát, nacházející se v severozápadní části Evropy při pobřeží Severního Atlantského oceánu. 99,8 % Islandu leží na stejnojmenném ostrově - Island, který má rozlohu 103 000 km² a je druhým největším ostrovem v Evropě po …
Ostrov (2023) - IMDb
Ostrov: Directed by Rudolf Havlik. With Jana Plodková, Jirí Langmajer, Ted Otis, Tereza Slánská. Richard and Alice quarrel on an exotic vacation because Richard wants to get a divorce. They decide to fly home early, but their small plane crashes on a deserted island, forcing Richard and Alice to wait together for rescue.
Ostrov (2005) - ČSFD.cz
Spřátelí se tam s půvabnou dívkou Jordan 2-Delta, která je vylosována, aby se přesunula na Ostrov. Údajně je to jediné místo na zeměkouli, které není zamořeno, a všichni touží po tom, aby tam mohli odcestovat.