Mesolithic | Definition, Technology, & Facts | Britannica
Mar 7, 2025 · Mesolithic, ancient cultural period that existed between the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), with its chipped stone tools, and the Neolithic (New Stone Age), with its polished stone tools.
Mesolithic flint tools - stone age tools
Mar 9, 2018 · Mesolithic hunter-gatherers sought out high quality flint and made the most of the flint available to make tools based on flakes and blades (flakes more than twice as long as wide). It is common to find used up and part-used flint cores like the following examples at …
Stone Age Tools - World History Encyclopedia
Dec 21, 2016 · The Stone Age is conceived to consist of: the Palaeolithic (or Old Stone Age) the Mesolithic (or Middle Stone Age) the Neolithic (or New Stone Age) The Palaeolithic spans the time from the first known stone tools, dated to c. 2,6 million years ago, to the end of the last Ice Age around 12,000 years ago. It is further subdivided into the Early ...
The Stone Age: What Tools and Weapons Did They Use?
Nov 29, 2021 · The Stone Age began around 2.6 million years ago, when researchers discovered the earliest evidence of humans using stone tools. It lasted until around 3,300 BC, when the Bronze Age began. Normally, the Stone Age is broken down into three periods: the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic.
Tools Used in the Mesolithic Era - History Stories
Mesolithic tools were essentially sharpened wood, bones, or antlers studded with tiny chips of stones, called microliths. These blades worked as barbed weapons. Mesolithic tools can be broadly divided into 3 main categories depending on their usage.
Mesolithic - Wikipedia
The type of stone toolkit remains one of the most diagnostic features: the Mesolithic used a microlithic technology – composite devices manufactured with Mode V chipped stone tools , while the Paleolithic had utilized Modes I–IV.
28 Tool types and techniques of Mesolithic culture - INFLIBNET …
MESOLITHIC TECHNOLOGY . Some of the important Mesolithic tool making techniques is given below. I. Stone tool technology: Microburin technique – This technique involved the notching of a blade by retouch, snapping the blade at the notch, and further retouching one of the segments to create the desired shape. Usually, microburin production ...
Mesolithic Tool Kit | Educational Images | Historic England
Aug 10, 2009 · This collection of flints shows the range of stone tools used by people during the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age). It includes an axe (top left); a flint core (top right); end scrapers (middle left); burin (middle centre); blades (middle right); …
Stone Age | Definition, Tools, Periods, Peoples, Art, & Facts
Mar 17, 2025 · The Stone Age was a prehistoric cultural stage, or level of human development, characterized by the creation and use of stone tools, the oldest known of which date to some 3.3 million years ago. The Stone Age is usually divided into three separate periods: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic.
Stone Age Tools - World History Edu
Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) – A transition period (~12,000–9,000 BCE), depending on the region. Neolithic (New Stone Age) – Marked by agriculture and permanent settlements, ending with the use of metal tools (~3,300 BCE onward).