Two locations to get the Yass method: Manhattan and South …
Oct 13, 2017 · Last call for the Yass method in Manhattan for October! Coming up in the next couple of weeks there are two locations where you can get the Yass method to resolve your pain or other symptoms and reclaim your life.
SI joint dysfunction Archives | Dr. Mitchell Yass
DR. MITCHELL YASS is the creator of the Yass Method for diagnosing and treating chronic pain. He developed his method over 20 years treating thousands of patients resolving their pain and returning them to full functional capacity.
The idea of "ignorance being bliss" is keeping you in pain. It's just ...
Feb 12, 2018 · Last Call for the Yass Method in Manhattan in February Every day I am contacted by people having pain and not getting relief from the existing medical system. They don’t understand why.
Yass Method Archives | Page 2 of 14 | Dr. Mitchell Yass
Jun 17, 2015 · by Dr. Mitchell Yass in Uncategorized How many of you are having back pain getting an MRI finding a bulging or herniated disc and being told the best and most conservative approach is a microdisectomy surgery.
Back In Manhattan: Don"t Start The New Year With Chronic Pain.
Dec 26, 2017 · The New Year brings hope of new starts. This is your chance to end your chronic pain and begin the New Year off right by getting the Yass Method. I will be in Manhattan the week of January 15th thru 19th, Monday thru Friday
Don't miss this chance to get the right diagnosis and right …
Jan 3, 2018 · The only way to resolve your sciatic symptoms is through the Yass method. Read this article to understand why!!
You can learn to strength train at home. A gym is not required.
Jan 4, 2018 · Get the Yass Method to end your pain. I am sure that there are many people who see the value in strength training whether for resolving their pain, maintaining their level of functionality or just sustaining their overall health.
Update on New York trip in July | Dr. Mitchell Yass
June 12, 2017 by Dr. Mitchell Yass in Uncategorized. 1. You are not alone in suffering with chronic pain! Join my Google + community. Let’s band together and let the medical establishment know you reject their system of resolving chronic pain! ...
Texas and Florida: A new year and a new opportunity to end your …
January 2, 2017 by Dr. Mitchell Yass in Uncategorized. 0. LOSE THE WEIGHT & KEEP IT OFF!! NEW YEAR ..NEW YOU!! An important update about the time frame for the Fort Lauderdale, Florida event! I hope all of you are excited about the new year and the hope of ending your pain this year. To achieve this goal, you need to look to a new method ...
Yass Lectures/Workshops now available to organizations and …
Sep 26, 2016 · Yass Lectures/Workshops now available to organizations and groups! September 26, 2016 by Dr. Mitchell Yass in Uncategorized. 0. A humble thank you to all that allowed me to treat them in Philadelphia. If you get one of these 3 diagnoses for the cause of your pain, you most likely will never see your pain resolved! ...