Player Outline - AlliedModders
Jun 4, 2012 · sm_outline_announce "1" ~ Enable announcements of outline toggles sm_outline_remember "1" ~ Enable re - toggles of outlines on spawn Config file will be automatically created at cfg\sourcemod\plugin.playeroutlines.cfg
I am using miniHUD to outline the bounding box of this nether
Oct 23, 2020 · I am using miniHUD to outline the bounding box of this nether fortress for a potential wither skeleton farm. Which bounding box outlines where wither skeletons will spawn, the smaller red boxes surrounding the parts of the structure, or the overall big red box that spans the entire area cover
What exactly is ‘bounding box’ of a Nether Fortress?
Oct 16, 2012 · In previous versions, that was "Blaze, PigZombie, MagmaCube", instead of the usual "Ghast, PigZombie, MagmaCube". Now they added Wither Skeletons to the fortress' spawn list, too. So, the only way to increase your chance to spawn wither skeletons is limit the spawn area in the surroundings to the exact bounds of the fortress.
Update to Spawn project, need help! : r/Spawn - Reddit
Apr 9, 2024 · How are you reconciling the black outline of Spawn's head with the white portion around his eyes? Traditionally that black should extend to the white. Perhaps you could do a gloss black as a contrast to the foreground black.
this is the outline for my 168x99 mob farm, is this big enough?
Mar 10, 2023 · 168x95 is mob spawn range mobs dont spawn within 124x70 area around you, or outside of the spawn range. 170x125 is biome detection range. 504x283 is the absolute max size because anything outside that range just despawns instantly instead of having a 12s despawn timer. the despawn timer gets turned off when mob enters 120x67 area around you
Zombie Outline - AlliedModders
Oct 22, 2015 · Zombie Outline Commands: /zomenu - Open up the mod menu. /spawn - Spawn if you haven't, but still it is early game. /return - Don't move for 20 seconds (or so) and return to spawn point. /info - Check your information, like level, experience, etc... /zhp - Show zombie health. /zoadmin - Admin menu for this mod.
r/Unity3D on Reddit: A sanity-check on the outline for a spawning ...
Apr 11, 2015 · These start spawning asteroids. The asteroids won't spawn if their spawner is within sight of the player, to prevent asteroids "popping in". Once a spawner is outside the "spawnRadius", it is destroyed. Same goes for any asteroids that move out of the radius.
Tool used to generate spheres around a spawner / make spawn
Dec 8, 2020 · The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft.
Stoneblock 2 - Spawn Outline : r/feedthebeast - Reddit
Aug 16, 2022 · I've got a purple transparent outline 3-4 chunks in each direction of spawn in Stoneblock 2. I cannot figure out what I did to add this.
Deep Stone Crypt Map Set & Beginner Outline (in comments)
Far/close, boss/spawn, top/bottom, near/far/wherever you are, are all better than "1,2,3,4" specifically for groups of people you just met 1 minute ago. It might work for your team if you use the same callouts every time, but in terms of learning curve and memorization, if you're playing with some randoms smoking pot and drinking you're going ...