Outsider (XCOM: Enemy Unknown)
Outsiders materialize out of glowing orange crystals and are only encountered inside crashed or landed alien UFOs. They are typically located in the core or the command room of the UFO and only appear when XCOM soldiers get close enough to spot their crystals.
Outsider | XCOM Wiki - Fandom
Outsider may refer to one of the following: The human name/designation for members of the Zudjari species in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. Outsider (The Bureau: XCOM Declassified); the basic Zudjari infantry unit.
Outsider (The Bureau: XCOM Declassified) - Fandom
An Outsider is a Zudjari foot soldier who fills the role of team leader to packs of Sectoids or as grunts in the presence of true Zudjari command units. The standard Outsider serves as the foot soldier of the invasion force. Outsiders are often seen in groups of either Sectoids, other Outsiders, or a mix of both.
Outsider (XCOM) | Alien Species - Fandom
Outsiders are mysterious beings, not quite true life forms, despite outwardly appearing sapient. They are typically found aboard smaller UFOs, early in XCOM's conflict against the aliens.
The Ultimate guide to Xcom enemy unknown/within - Steam Community
Sep 21, 2023 · Enemy number 5 is the outsider This enemy is exclusively found during ufo missions, typically found in the control/command room of the ship. They will eventually get phased out for more challenging opponents later in the game. Their aim is quite high with it being 70 for easy and normal, 80 for classic, and 90 for impossible.
Outsider - XCOM: Enemy Unknown Guide - IGN
Jan 1, 2013 · Unlike most other enemy types, Outsiders frequently spawn alone, without any backup. As such, the best strategy to defeat them is to simply flank around (ignoring cover if you wish) and score a...
Tips for outsider alien :: XCOM: Enemy Unknown General Discussions
Jul 11, 2014 · Outsider aliens usually spawn in the cockpit of the ship, and the cockpit has the shield door you need to open. So before barging right in, get a soldier on each side of the door. Make sure one side is overwatched, and the other side will open the door then shoot.
First capture was an outsider, but no shard research available :: XCOM …
Mar 3, 2014 · Yep - capturing an outsider is part of the main quest. It is not possible to make an autopsy on it - you'll b asked to capture one of them and this unlock the following quest events - but you need to capture another alien before (any of them will do).
Bruh Guide - Outsider : r/Xcom - Reddit
Feb 11, 2021 · This mission, infamously grueling and stocked with some aliens that normally won't show up normally for a while yet, features an upgraded Outsider leader-type and his regular Outsider followers, and the bright boys have been known to fend off XCOM squads who managed to push their way past the rest of the horrible things lurking on that ship.
Outsider Shard (Project) - XCOM Wiki
Outsider Shard is a research project in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. This shard is all that is left of the Outsider alien after it was stunned. Based on our interrogation of the alien captive, we know that the Outsiders are the key to finding their base. We should begin research on …