En Passant - Chess Terms - Chess.com
The en passant rule is a special pawn capturing move in chess. "En passant" is a French expression that translates to "in passing", which is precisely how this capture works. Pawns can usually capture only pieces that are directly and diagonally in front of them on an adjacent file.
En passant - Wikipedia
In chess, en passant (French: [ɑ̃ pasɑ̃], lit. "in passing") describes the capture by a pawn of an enemy pawn on the same rank and an adjacent file that has just made an initial two-square advance.
How to Understand En Passant in Chess: 5 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Feb 4, 2023 · En passant is one of two special moves in chess (the other being castling). In en passant, a pawn can capture a pawn to its sides. En passant can be tricky for beginner players to grasp. Nevertheless, en passant is fathomable to even beginner players, yourself included.
En Passant - The Chess Drum
En passant occurs only when your pawn is resting on the opponent's 5th rank… each player counts up five ranks from his side of the board. In Diagram #1, white has a pawn on e5 and black moves his Pawn two squares to f5.
En Passant: Rules & Examples of Capture on ChessDoctrine.com
En passant is a unique rule in chess where one side can unusually capture the opponent’s pawn. It only works if the pawn resides at the 5th rank (for White) or the 4th rank (for Black). It is notated similarly to the typical pawn captures.
• En Passant is a special pawn capture move • En passant is the French for “in passing” • It prevents a pawn from using the two-square advance to “pass” an adjacent enemy pawn without the risk of being captured. • Such a move is the only occasion in chess in which a piece captures but does not move to the square of the
Chess Rules - Special Moves: En Passant - Chess for Novices
En Passant is a simple, but often confused rule. The En Passant rule applies when a player moves a pawn 2 squares forward from it's initial position, and an opposing pawn could have captured it if it had only moved one square.
How Does a Pawn Move in Chess: Capturing and En Passant
Feb 17, 2025 · The en passant rule is a special pawn capture that only occurs under specific conditions. This rule prevents a pawn from bypassing an opposing pawn’s control when it moves two squares forward from its starting position.
En Passant Chess Rule - 365Chess
May 23, 2024 · In chess, en passant is a special pawn capture that takes place when a pawn moves to a square directly beside an enemy pawn that has just advanced two squares, capturing it as if it had moved only one square (see visual explanation below). We understand if this is confusing to you. Let us explain!
En passant - Computer Chess Online
En passant is a special pawn capture move in chess. Learn about the definition and origin of the move, along with examples and diagrams.